Base 1 Robins
Term: Autumn
Inquiry: Earth’s Energy

Robin base is a class of happy, busy and creative learners who love to have fun. They have settled really well into their new classroom and benefit so much for having direct access to the lovely outdoor area.
The children have been learning to follow routines and be independent. They have been hanging their coats and bags on their pegs with support.
The children have been listening to We’re going on a bear hunt and they have joined in with the actions. They went on their very own bear hunt and explored a sensory experience in mud, a forest….
The children have used natural resources to sequence and make patterns.
The children have been sharing and taking turns with their friends.
Next Term our inquiry will be Our Diverse World. The children will be listening to Stickman and considering what makes a family. They will begin to identify differences and similarities.
Other information
Please make sure that all belongings are named and that wellies are in school.
The children spend a lot of time learning outside so please send in spare clothes as they do get messy!!!
Keep checking the dojo page for photos and updates.