Base 3 Ravens
Term: Autumn
Inquiry: Earth’s Energy

During the first half of the Autumn term, we have been learning about the forces of ‘Push’ and ‘Pull’. We have used ‘transport’ as a running theme throughout the inquiry to support our new learning.
Our Talk for Writetext has been ‘The Train Ride’ by June Crebbin. For our ‘Tuning in’ day, we created a train station within the classroom. We bought train tickets at the ‘Springwood Station’ ticket office, gave them to the train conductor on the platform, had them checked by the ticket collector and went on our very own train ride to Barry Island!
Throughout the half term we have explored a range of push and pull objects and toys within our classroom and conducted experiments to further our understanding of these forces.
During Talk for Writing sessions we have learnt the story ‘The Train Ride’ and used symbol identifying and sequencing activities to retell the story independently. We have also started to look at the different monsters from ‘Monster Phonics’ land, which will help us to learn new sounds and to read and build words.
In expressive arts we have used a range of recycled materials to create and decorate our own trains. We have also explored different musical instruments and played along to familiar songs.
In maths we have been creating tally charts and pictograms about ‘Out Favourite Transport’. We have also created trains using 2d and 3d shapes.
We have taken part in gymnastics sessions at Cardiff Met where we have worked on following instructions and developing our gross motor skills through balancing. We also had a great time taking part in the ‘fun run’ and planting trees in the new ‘Tiny Forest’.
Next half term, our topic will be ‘Our Diverse World’ where we will be learning about ‘belonging’ within our families, school and communities, as well as similarities and differences between us and our friends. Our Talk for Write text will be ‘Stickman’ by Julia Donaldson and we will also be learning about Christianity using the Christmas story and some of the festivals that are celebrated within other religions.
Other information
● Now that the weather is getting colder and wetter, please make sure children have appropriate outdoor clothing/footwear. We spend a lot of time exploring and learning outside and it can get slippery and messy!
● Our PE day is currently a Tuesday. You are welcome to send your child to school in their PE kit. Please make sure they have a bottle of water with them.
● Reading books are sent home on a Friday, to be read and returned the following Monday.