Year 4/5
Term: Autumn
Inquiry: Earth’s Energy

During the Autumn term, all the children have settled well into their new classes. They have all had the opportunity to mix with their peers in all areas of learning through team games and outdoor learning.
In literacy, we have focused on our new text, 'Keep off the tracks' and we have focused on retelling the text and writing a setting description using the toolkit.
In numeracy, we have focused on number and place value and have used manipulatives to be able to read numbers and identify the value of each of the digits. We have also started to look at horizontal and vertical number lines and compared them.
Finally, during our inquiry, we have explored Earth's energy. In particular, we have looked at how electricity can be transferred from one place to another and is used all around us in our modern lives. Using the knowledge from our inquiry sessions, the children have created their toy for the STEM Fayre using electricity.
Next Term, our inquiry is ‘Our Diverse World’. We will be looking at the religion Islam and the philosophy behind it in greater depth.
Additional information
PE days are different in each of the Y4/Y5 classes. Please check Dojo and your child's class teacher will announce this on a termly basis.
Homework will be handed out on a Friday and must be returned on a Wednesday.
Spellings will be handed out on a Monday and the children will have a spelling test on the following Monday.