Year 1
Term: Autumn
Inquiry: Earth’s Energy

During Autumn term we have been exploring the forces push and pull. We use the force pull to play Tug of war and found lots of doors around the school which we had to both push and pull.
We carried out 2 forces experiments learning how to make a prediction and began to orally compare our results.
We have really enjoyed our text The Way Back Home. A journey tale which tells us about Jimmy finding an aeroplane and going to the moon.
In maths we have been recognising, ordering and comparing numbers to 20. We have been practising number formation and have begun to explore money.
Next Term our inquiry will be Our Diverse World. Our text will be The Elves and the Shoemaker. We will also be learning about Christianity in preparation for our Carol concert.
Please bring in wellies and a suitable coat for outdoor learning on a Wednesday.
Return all reading books on a Wednesday and we will change it and send home a new one on Friday.
Thursday is our PE day and pupils can wear their pe kit consisting of black bottoms and either a white T-shirt or a school T-shirt.