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Year 1

Spring Term - Wonderful Wales and Beyond

During Spring term we have focused on ‘Wonderful Wales and Beyond’. We have tasted traditional welsh foods and decided to bake welsh cakes for our enterprise. We voted for our favourite flavour to sell and even took a trip to the Maelfa to buy our ingredients! In Talk for Writing, we have continued to work on our text ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’ and have learnt about adjectives through the poem ‘Daffodils’ linking to our inquiry. In Maths, we have been using lots of different equipment to explore subtraction and learnt about 3d and 2d shapes and their properties! We have also explored computational thinking with our friend, Marty the robot!


Next Term, we will be continuing to learn about Wales, focusing on how litter is affecting our local area and how we can improve this. In Talk for Writing, we are going to be learning a new text based on instruction writing called ‘ How to trap a dragon’. We will send the story map and text home for you to practice with your child. 


In Spring B PE will be continuing on Wednesdays and on this day children should wear their Springwood house t-shirt or a t-shirt in their house colour, appropriate trousers and appropriate footwear. Children can also continue to bring in their bookbag each day to be changed and we will continue to send home tricky words each week to be learnt. We will be exploring place value to 30 and 50 and continuing our work developing our addition and subtraction skills. Look on Twitter and dojo to find out what we have been learning!

Our Diverse World


To start our new inquiry 'Our Diverse World' Year 1 and Year ½ have been on trips to two different Christian Churches as part our immersion. We visited St Davids Catholic Cathedral in Cardiff City Centre and our local Christian Church Glenwood!


We explored the different religious settings and learnt about the purpose of stain glass windows, what the chairs in churches are called (pews) and what the job of a priest is. We are now going to take our new knowledge to label parts of a church.


As part of our outdoor learning time, we have been creating crosses with natural materials and have developed our collage skills to collage beautiful crosses to display in our classroom and reflection area.

Key Information - Year 1 and Year 1/2

Monday - We will send tricky words or spellings via dojo to practice each week, please feel free to send us pictures of your child practising at home on dojo!

Wednesday - PE day - For PE you should wear your Springwood PE top in your house colour with jogger or leggings. If you have not got a Springwood PE top then please can your child wear a normal t-shirt in their house colour as well as trainers appropriate for physical activity. 

Thursday - Outdoor learning - For outdoor learning, your child will need to wear wellies and wear wet weather gear or old clothes and a coat appropriate for wet weather. 

Book bags can be brought in everyday of the week, but children will need to bring in their bookbag and book to be changed at least once a week.

Healthy me, Healthy you.


This term, Year 1 have been exploring how to keep their bodies and minds healthy. We have been on lots of outings to help us experience more about this!


We have taken a trip to Waitrose to explore and find out about different types of fruit and vegetables, some we had not seen before. While we were there, we purchased a healthy snack! We enjoyed using our new knowledge in our greengrocer role play, buying healthy fruits and vegetables.


We have also tried different types of exercise, we have tried aerobics, gymnastics, yoga and Joe Wicks workouts! We have also been to Cardiff Met to take part in gymnastics and tennis to show us there are different ways to keep healthy and fit.


We have also made shopping lists ready to make healthy smoothies! We made our smoothies in the school's kitchen; we chopped and prepared our fruits and enjoyed making a healthy drink. We talked about what happens to the fruit when it goes into the blender and why fruits and vegetables are important to keep us healthy!


We have also taken a trip to the doctors ready for our 'Springwood Medical Practice' role play. We talked about why going to the doctors is important, we watched a 'patient' be bandaged up and we saw a nurse have her flu jab!


Our first few weeks of our half term have been so busy! We will keep updating you on our exciting learning!

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