Year 3
Term: Autumn
Inquiry: Earth’s Energy

During Autumn term we have been focusing on our new Talk for Writing text, Billy and the Spy. We have been developing our story writing while building suspense. In maths, we have been learning about place value and how to complete column addition.
We have been lucky enough to take trips to Cardiff Met to learn new golf skills. In our Inquiry, we have been exploring sound, what sound waves look like and have created our own ‘phones’ to explore how sound travels in different ways. In outdoor learning, we have been lucky enough to plant trees as part of our ‘Tiny Forest’.
Next Term, we will be learning about Hinduism and Christianity in our Inquiry, ‘Our Diverse World’. We will be starting a non-fiction text, ‘Spy Pen 3000’ and learning more problem solving and reasoning skills for subtraction.
Our PE days will be Friday and our outdoor learning day will be Thursdays. For outdoor learning, your child will need to wear appropriate clothing and can bring wellies and a change of clothes in their bag if you wish. Bookbags will continue to be brought in on Wednesdays and returned on Fridays.