Year 6
Term: Autumn
Inquiry: Earth’s Energy

During Autumn term we have been looking at motion and forces in our inquiry. We started out by trying to protect an egg during our ‘Egg Drop Challenge’ before exploring the different forces that affect our lives on Earth. We had a chance to programme accelerometers to measure our kick strength when taking a penalty and are now using these to see how forces affect a rocket as it takes off.
Our Talk for Writing text this term started off suitably spooky with a suspense text called The Red Eye. We learned how to create our own suspense stories, and are now turning these into a diary entry for our non-fiction recount text. In numeracy, we have been refreshing and extending our understanding of the four operations.
In PE, we have been exploring movement around a range of equipment. Outdoors, we have had a chance to visit Cardiff Met and take part in NFL flag football sessions. Also within our health and wellbeing umbrella, we have taken part in tree planting for our new tiny forest before learning all about how to identify different tree species.
Next term, we will be moving onto a new inquiry titled “Our Diverse World”, where we will explore Buddhism and the philosophy around it. We will be moving onto looking at fractions in numeracy and in Talk for Writing will finish our diary before starting a finding tale called Adventure at Sandy Cove.
Our PE days will remain Tuesday and Thursday, but we may mix up our Thursday sessions to include some more outdoor learning. Please keep an eye on Dojo for more information about this.