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Base 2 Wrens

Autumn Term - Inquiry: Our Diverse World

During Autumn term, we have enjoyed cycle training, cinema trips, rock steady, Children in Need and Cardiff Met visits on top of all of our other learning. In literacy, we have been focussing on our new text, 'Kidnapped' and focussed our writing on trying to build suspense. In numeracy, we have focussed on the application of addition and subtraction strategies, with a particular focus on mental strategies. Finally, during inquiry, we have started exploring 'Our Diverse World', looking at the differences between religious beliefs. Some of our class were lucky enough to attend Manor Adventure. We had an amazing time and got to try a range of challenging activities. Some of the activities we enjoyed were; archery, rifle shooting, climbing and abseiling. 


Next Term, our inquiry is ‘Wonderful Wales and Beyond’. We will be looking at how languages connect us and developing our entrepreneurial skills. In Talk 4 Writing, we will be learning Red Eye, focusing on developing action in our writing and during our non fiction writing, we will be focusing on explanation texts. In Numeracy, we will be working on multiplication and division skills. Our PE will continue on a Thursday afternoon.

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